CWS Language Beyond Borders
CWS Language Beyond Borders promotes language accessibility within the community; to provide culturally sensitive interpretation and translation; and to ensure that language service is not a barrier for care among providers serving the refugee and immigrant population. Refugees leverage innate talent to serve as interpreters for the program.

CWS Language Beyond Borders is currently supporting emergency public service and health education announcements during the COVID-19 pandemic. Clients include the City of Lancaster, Public Arts of Lancaster, various school districts and community service providers, and Census materials and promotions. The Flore Foundation grant awarded to LBB affords an opportunity to provide low to no-cost interpretation and/or translation to social service providers for a limited time as translations services are deemed essential during this public health crisis. LBB expects to retain these clients following the pandemic and grow their overall business base. LBB creates professional employment opportunities for resettled refugees. While the refugee and immigrant community at large are beneficiaries of the services.
LBB services enable communication at a time when information is critical. In 2020 we are dealing with a public health crisis that has taken the lives of nearly half a million people world wide as of June. For many people living in the United States, social service providers rely on translators and interpreters to connect with their community. At a time when economic constraints are growing and livelihood is threatened, our Flore Foundation grant to LBB expands their reach in addition to expanding employment opportunities for refugees. LBB interpreters are essential workers in the global pandemic and we are proud to support their business growth.
In December 2020, LBB reported their results. They employed nearly 40 interpreters and translators to engage six new opportunities with the aid of their Flore Foundation grant. This business is estimated to be worth $32,000. As a result, Amer Al Fayadh started social enterprise, Communication Essentials, LLC. He continues to focus on Language Justice issues and serving the community of Lancaster, PA. For more read our blog post, "Beyond Translation".
40 interpreters and translators
30 in person and 150 telephonic languages
400+ engagements in 2020