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RefuSHE Artisan Collective

Flore Foundation awarded RefuSHE a grant to support their Artisan Collective program. The grant funds various stages during the experience that ultimately prepares refugees to start their own enterprise. 

RefuSHE has implemented a holistic approach to serve girls and women displaced in East Africa. These unaccompanied and orphaned people are given a safe place to live in Nairobi, Kenya. In this safe house, RefuSHE creates a community for these refugees to heal from trauma and establish a future. Their model affords access to mental health care, education and experience as an entrepreneur. It is the combination of these elements that leads to successful outcomes for the young women who complete the program. 


The grant from Flore Foundation provides much needed funding for stipends, costs associated with the placement apprenticeship and business loans. Some benefits of the Flore Foundation funding include, engaging artisans self-sustaining economic activities, developing advanced textile design and tailoring expertise, and demonstrating economic stability through savings. The combination of business and practical skills in addition to trauma-informed practices and a nurturing community lead to economic independence.


Several RefuSHE leaders are graduates of The Elliott School of International Affairs at The George Washington University. This common thread with Flore Foundation adds a special element to our partnership. We are proud to work with such an amazing group. 


3,330 refugees served since 2008

21 artisans received stipends in 2021

$10 stipend includes a requirement for refugees to save monthly

*Flore Foundation is a not-for-profit charity in accordance with United States Internal Revenue Service Code Section 501(C)(3). Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. 


Flore Foundation, LLC 2017

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